Iviz Doctor

IVIZ- Doctor Dashboard for Doctors providing real time information Team Co-founder/CTOUI DesignerData Scientist My Role UI DesignPrototyping Timeline 3 Weeks Design Ideation The main goal of this app was to provide doctors real time information of admitted patients. We had to design a dashboard which gave the doctors an overview of all the patients and […]

Iviz Case Study

IVIZ Infection Surveillance Platform Contents INTRODUCTION The Challenge  One in seventeen patients die due to Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs). Our goal was to build a platform that would help nurses capture critical patient information with minimal clicks. The fundamental premise was to help hospitals digitize the information captured by nurses on a daily basis and […]

BigSister Case Study

BigSister Facebook Extension  BigSister is a Facebook extension providing immigrant women a mentorship program to support their unique needs. Contents INTRODUCTION Team Wasinee Win – UX/UI Designer  Viola Wang – UX/UI Designer Advisor Manny Darden – Sr UX Designer, Apple Timeline 10 Weeks Tools Used Miro, Lucid Charts, Figma My Role  User InterviewsUser Interface DesignPrototypingUsability […]